Learning new things requires adaptability, which is not always easy. Certainly not when several changes take place at the same time or when you are just up to speed in the current way of working. Yet we believe that people are quite capable of embracing change, provided they are properly guided in doing so. So, how do you do that? Simple; make it fun.
By casting new digital themes in the form of games or workshops, employees are not immediately confronted with what they can’t do (yet), but playfully discover new possibilities in a group context.
How we help you
We make change accessible, understandable, and attractive to everyone in the organization. With inspiration sessions, games, workshops and on-the-job coaching, we prepare people for change. This is always tailor-made. We create enthusiasm and provide employees with
the tools to make their own contribution. Our Shapers are accessible and thoughtful. Together, we work on a culture in which a mindset of continuous learning and experimentation is the norm.