Twin transition: Green & Digital

Sustainability or digitalization. These aspects often fight for a place at the top of the agenda. Why not make it sustainable and digitize at the same time. We see that data-driven work and technological developments can be a catalyst for a sustainable future. Twin transition green & digital therefore operates at the intersection of two transitions where there are opportunities to make technology, infrastructure and data ‘greener’. With years of experience in accelerating digital transformation and with extensive knowledge on the sustainability issue, Digital Shapers can be of great help here.


Sustainability is necessary; for the planet, for every organization and for ourselves. But it doesn’t happen automatically and often not fast enough. A data-driven way of working and technology can be powerful tools for achieving your green goals. By linking the two transitions, you can benefit from the synergy, if you have the right foundation and a strategy in which both agendas align efficiently. This is a big challenge for organizations that often venture into new territory. Digital Shapers brings not only the knowledge and experience to successfully link the two transitions, but also the right change management strategy for your employees.

How we help you

We believe in the compelling power of showing results fast. That is why we start small and work from what is already there. This is often more than you think. After all, many organizations are already working on sustainability, digitalization, or both. Where are you now and where do you want to go? From here, we look at what is needed and where we can make an impact.

During an ‘Inspiration Trip’, for example, you will learn from experts inside and outside of the industry how they innovate sustainably. We discuss current issues, technologies and opportunities relevant to your organization. Following that, we translate these to your organization during a workshop and help you make choices and find synergy in ongoing projects. With our ‘Impact Measurement’ process, we measure progress and can make consistent adjustments.

“Digital Shapers heeft ons geholpen om digitaal talent beter te begrijpen, om als werkgever nog aantrekkelijker te worden. Met behulp van duidelijke aansturing verliep het project soepel. Met creativiteit, een kritische blik en boordevol energie hebben de Shapers gezorgd voor waardevolle inzichten. We zijn zeer tevreden met het resultaat van de samenwerking.”


Nadine Beister – HR Directeur bij HEMA