Adoption digital strategy


Digital tooling


Change management

Increase adoption of digital tooling and mindset.

ERIKS is an industrial service provider, responsible for sales and maintenance of mechanical engineering components for organizations in various industries. Almost two years ago, they embarked on a new path. A digital hub in Amsterdam that would shape the new path and support the transformation. But, how should you tackle this when the end users of the newly developed tooling are in different locations, spread throughout Europe?


It is often unclear what new behavior is expected from employees. Therefore, one of the first steps is to perform a gap analysis by clarifying what is expected per stakeholder group and what the status quo is. Conducting a risk analysis and discovering the organizational needs provided a picture of the impact of change on employees and processes. This showed where the focus of change management should be and to what extent. Based on this, a change plan was created and hands-on support was provided to execute the plan. Focusing on the needs of stakeholders was crucial to guiding the changes.


By means of the gap analysis, the conversations with stakeholders and the risk analysis, a clear picture emerged:

  • Where in the organization the changes will take place
  • What the impact will be on the work floor
  • What the sentiment is
  • What the biggest challenges will be
  • What people need to make the transition

Based on the above results, it was determined what specific activities are needed from change management and the organization, to bring employees along.


“Digital Shapers bestaat uit een team van sympathieke en efficiënte mensen. Gedurende het project hebben ze altijd adequaat advies geleverd. De Shapers waren snel up and running wat heel waardevol was voor ons.”

Maarten Mackaaij – Head of Sales Support ERIKS