Digital mindset and skills


Digital competences

Skills for successful digital Asset Management in 2025

To respond well to new possibilities of data and digital technology, the Asset Management department within Enexis wants to prepare its employees for the tasks of tomorrow. What does success look like for them in 2025 and what will it take to achieve this? By working with Asset Management employees, Digital Shapers guided an investigation into the digital competencies for 2025.

digitale transformatie Enexis


With a diverse core team from Enexis, we defined the framework for the research. Based on insights from studying internal and external documents, various workshops, sector research, surveys and in-depth interviews, we defined the crucial digital competencies needed to be successful as an asset manager in 2025.

Digitale transformatie


Based on our research, we have recommended concrete activities and initiatives to develop the core competencies. To properly match the needs of employees, we did this on three dimensions: by creating awareness; activating & enthusing colleagues and by developing skills & abilities.