Shaping Boels Rental


Digital Strategie



Together toward a digitally innovative region

To meet changing customer needs, a new digital platform is being developed to improve the rental experience, among other aspects. We help the Digital Solutions Team to include the internal organization in the development of this platform.


A number of elements form the foundation for the digital platform. Starting from a process analysis at different levels, we look at which work processes will be affected, who the stakeholders are and engage in a conversation about what the impact is for them. Process guidance, communication, expectation management and needs gathering are central. With the impact analysis, an action plan is set up. In addition, we offer hands-on support.

Digitale transformatie


  • Impact matrix with specific changes per department
  • A communication plan aimed at different target groups and levels (organization to user level)
  • An action plan for process support
  • Cooperation between departments to join forces

“Digital Shapers did an excellent job in helping us launch and guide our digital transformation. The desired digital objectives, corporate culture and organizational structure were well mastered after which obstacles to change were effectively addressed. This ensured a smooth implementation of the relevant online domains. Highly recommended for any digital change project.”

Björn Kreijen – Group Director Digital & eCommerce at Boels